VRS Management updates
Sylvia, Chairman of VRS welcomes two new managers this year to complete our Management Team.
William Collins joined us in March earlier this year as our new Production Manager and has kicked off by bringing in new work. We have now started to enter new markets for example automotive and leisure industry.
William is very hands on and extremely hard working, he is an asset to the team. He is very approachable and is happy to quote for any new parts or products.
Geraldine Stilwell (Gez) joined us in August as our Business Development Manager. This role has been introduced to VRS and Gez’s experience in Industry and Academic environments will generate & implement new innovative ideas to VRS.
Our Management team consisting of Sylvia Sinanan, Serena Sinanan, Amber Cole, William Collins and Geraldine Stilwell are excited to move VRS forward.
We are really pleased with how our new acquisition, the Citizen – A32 sliding head 7 axis lathe, is performing and we are looking at updating our plant again at the end of the year.
Article posted on 12 September 2014